One lone Sempervivum is blooming on the new green wall. Can you imagine how cool it will be when they all bloom next year?! The wall will transform completely when the sedum flowers. Some of the sedum will flower white, others red, pink and yellow. It will transform again in cold weather, because the folliage of some of the sedum varieties we chose will turn red, orange or purple in the winter.
We planted the wall in a pattern (you can start to see it in the bottom picture)- a "V" in the top of the panel to the left of the door and the woman from our logo in the in the panel on the right (not pictured because that side is still growing in).
The best vantage point is from in the parking lot. With a little distance (and a little squinting) you can start to see what the picture will look like as the sedum fills in.
This week, leading up to the "Official Green Wall Unveiling" Party, we will post plant features of all the sedum and sempervivum varieties we used. Then on Sunday August 29th stop by for the party, refreshments, and see the wall for yourself. The festivities start at 2pm.

Can you see the the "V" below?