This Burro's Tail on our stairs has been catching everyone's eye. They are very easy house plants here's the skinny from howstuffworks.com:
"This plant is extremely fragile and loses leaves when moved. Consequently, it should be left alone. There is a cultivar called the giant burro’s tail that doesn’t lose its leaves as readily. The fallen leaves root quickly and produce more plants.
Burro's Tail Plant Quick Facts:
Scientific Name: Sedum morganianum
Common Names: Burro’s Tail, Donkey’s Tail
Light Requirement for Burro's Tail Plant: Full Sun to Bright Light
Water Requirement for Burro's Tail Plant: Drench, Let Dry
Humidity for Burro's Tail Plant: Average Home
Temperature for Burro's Tail Plant: House to Cool
Fertilizer for Burro's Tail Plant: Balanced
Potting Mix for Burro's Tail Plant: Cactus
Propagation of Burro's Tail Plant: Leaf Cuttings, Stem Cuttings
Care Rating for Burro's Tail Plant: Very Easy"
See "very easy". A burro's Tail hanging basket costs around $24.