Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What's that plant? Rhipsalidopsis a.k.a. Spring Cactus, a.k.a Easter Cactus

Rhipsalidopsis a.k.a. Spring Cactus, a.k.a Easter Cactus LOOKS like the familiar Christmas Cactus a.k.a. Schlumbergera bridgesii, but these two look-a-likes have different bloom times and different requirements.

Keep your Easter Cactus in bright indirect light (so not right on the windowsill - inside the room a couple feet) and dry out in between waterings. Water even less starting in September and let the Rhipsalidopsis go dormant. Begin watering regularly in March and have blooms in time for Easter!

Segmented foliage can be rooted and propagated the same as Christmas Cactus. (p.s. the key to the Christmas Cactus dormant period and subsequent bloom is sunlight not water. Shorter days October through December signal Schlumbergera bridgesii to bloom.)

Also, note the hilarious do not eat symbol on the tag. (Seriously, if your cats eat your plants, pass on this toxic cactus. If your cats eat your plants with a fork and knife, post it on Youtube and send us the link!)

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