Saturday, March 24, 2012

First Coffee in the Garden April 15th!

I know with the this warm weather, every one is itching for Coffee in the Garden to begin! But as those of you on the email list know, April 1st Coffee in the Garden was overrun with fairies.

Sunday April 15th
10am Coffee in the Garden
Coffee in the Garden (the first and third Sunday of each month) is a casual gardeners’ open forum. Each week Victoria chooses something new and exciting in the garden to discuss, and is available to answer your questions.

Also don't miss out on the 11am Class - New Varieties in Bloom:
Every year there are new varieties destined to become old favorites. Let Victoria
introduce you to the stunning new "must have" varieties available to brighten your garden this season. The class will include annuals, perennials shrubs and trees. We’re presenting this slideshow lecture at the nursery for those of you who can’t make it to Garden Day at UCCC!
Call (845) 687-9007 to register.
Reservations necessary - $5 per person.

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