Monday, June 29, 2009


With all the rain we've had, slugs are everywhere!!! And for being so small, they can do a lot of damage.

Fear not, we have some tips and solutions to help fight the slimy little suckers.

First, we have Slug Magic, an all natural, pet safe, proven snail and slug killer. As it says on the bottle, "makes slugs disappear!" One package covers 1,000 square feet, and it remains effective through the rain!

Another way to bait and kill slugs is with pans full of beer. The slugs are attracted to the yeasty smell and then drown in the brew. The only problem with this home remedy is that with all the rain we've been getting, the beer may get diluted, or flooded out entirely.

Another tip is to pick off the slugs in the early morning or evening with chop sticks (so you don't get the slime all over your hands) and drop them in a bucket of salted water. Or pick them off with your clippers, and cut them in half as you do. (I know, so gross.)

Other tips:

Use cocoa mulch. Slugs don't like the smell or the texture. (Dog owners beware, dogs will sometimes eat the cocoa shells, and it can make them sick.)

Put very finely crushed eggshells around plants you wish to protect.

Spread coffee grounds or aluminum sulfate around plants.

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